Over the past few years the Electrophysiology (EP) market has been experiencing strong growth primarily due to the improvements in technology and in newer diagnostic and treatment options for cardiac arrhythmias. As the field of EP continues to grow, hospitals are faced with challenges when deciding how best to either start-up or expand their EP service line.
One of the main challenges for a start-up EP program is figuring out where to perform the EP procedures. EP cases take several hours to complete, which can tie up a lab for hours. Because of this, it can be difficult to work a new EP program into a hospital’s current cardiac cath caseload. Sharing a cardiac cath lab with an EP program can be difficult, too, so to be successful hospitals will ultimately want their own dedicated EP lab. Facilities looking to expand an already successful EP program often need additional EP labs.
In an ideal world, a hospital will have both an approved and available budget, and an open in-house shell space near their current labs where they can create a new EP Lab. In this situation, a hospital could have a new EP lab in as soon as 3 to 6 months. If the budget isn’t available, or if there isn’t an open in-house area to put a new EP lab, then things can take 12 to 18 months or more, making it a challenge to meet an immediate need for a hospital’s new EP procedure volume.
To help in situations like these we came up with a unique solution; temporary EP labs help bridge the gap between an immediate need and a new in-house lab. Modular Devices Inc. offers two styles of interim EP Labs:
Our Mobile EP Labs are for short-term needs of only a few months or so, while our Modular Labs have the added space and ground-level entry which makes them best suited for longer-term projects. Our temporary EP Labs are turnkey systems and can be delivered and set-up so you can begin doing cases right away. In other words, why wait for a new lab to be built when you can start-up or expand your EP program today with an interim mobile or modular EP Lab?